Our services


  • Inspection at the property
  • Indoor use photo shoot (non-professional)
  • Internal survey of the property to verify its actual dimensions
  • Market survey to identify marketability index
  • Property valuation


  • Verification of cadastral and Land Book compliance of the property.
  • Verification of the “urban position” of the property
  • Collection of “condominium” documentation (where there is an apartment building)
  • Production of a Report showing any discrepancies found and the subsequent actions to be taken
  • Collection of estimates for regularization of any discrepancies (the cost of operations are borne by the customer)
  • Professional photo shoot
  • Drafting of custom descriptive text
  • Reproduction of floor plan in editable format
  • Realization of the 360° Virtual Tour
  • Implementation of the interactive 3D floor plan
  • Publication on the corporate website



  • Publication in major industry portals
  • Web marketing campaign targeted at customers profiled in the ARCEUS RE database
  • Telephone contact activities to customers profiled in the ARCEUS RE database.
  • Inspections, including video call, preparatory to the sale
  • Periodic “brief” contact to update the owner on activities carried out
  • Production of specific periodic “Activity Report” of activities performed broken down by type of activity, by views on portals and with evidence of any critical issues expressed by customers
  • Collection of purchase proposals at the prospective buyer’s residence
  • Withdrawal acceptance of purchase proposal at the customer owner’s residence


  • Assistance with any technical inspections aimed at appraising the property by lending institutions
  • Preparation of documentation required for the application of any Financing practices.
  • Drafting of the text of the Preliminary Contract
  • Scheduling and organizing appointments for signing Preliminary Contracts
  • Planning of final deeds with direct contact with Notary Firms and possible Credit Institutions
  • Attendance at final deeds of sale.


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Click on the icon to contact us via Whatsapp or call us at.

Contact us at our e-mail address